Announcement: Project Speed Improvement Poll

Hey everyone! I’m sure you’ve all realized how sporadic I’ve been updating these past few months. I don’t like it. I’m sure you guys don’t like it too.

But with my busy schedule, there’s not much I can do to alleviate this problem, besides two things.

  1. I can start a Patreon. What can I say, money is a good motivator. But I rather that be the last option.
  2. I can focus on one project more than the rest. At the moment, I’m not prioritizing any project. I update roughly once every 14 days on one project, alternating between three.

Prioritizing a certain project does not mean I will be dropping the other novels. It just means they will take longer to update. But in return, the novel voted to the top will be updated faster. I’m thinking it will be something like the top novel updating every other week, with the other novels updating when I feel like it.

As such, I’ve created a poll for you guys to vote on. It’ll be up for around a month, or until I’ve updated every project I have at least once.


[Edit: The poll is closed. The result is most people voted for


Thank you very much,


4 thoughts on “Announcement: Project Speed Improvement Poll”

  1. Definitely NHAD, it is more promising and I just cant get enough of it. Altho I am also interested in Violant of the Silver, NHAD is much more popular. anyways, keep up the good work!


  2. Villian Days only has 8 chapters left. I feel it would be better to finish up Villian Days and get it out of the way and then focus on NHAD over Violant.

    Liked by 2 people

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