Unforeseen 1-Week Lateness for TSP

As the title states, there will be no chapter release for TSP this Saturday because I f*ked up when counting the chapters I’ve translated. (My heart dropped to my chest when I was searching through my Google Drive just now) I’m really sorry guys; I’ll work harder so that this won’t happen again.

Basically, I’m one chapter part short. If I post something today, then I won’t have enough for my patrons this month. I hope that you guys can understand. If it’s worth anything, I’ll post TSP 40.2 right after I’ve had my breakfast next Saturday.

Thank you for reading,


P.S. Forgot to add that if you’re interested in advanced chapters, please wait until November 1st Pacific Standard Time to pledge, otherwise Patreon can and will charge you twice. Click here for the release schedule.

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