Category Archives: October

Huge Apology

Hello everyone.

I just wanted to give you guys an update on what’s going on.

First of all, I am very sorry.

I haven’t abandoned any of the novels. Yes, I’m aware that I’m extremely late, and I have no excuses. I mismanaged my time and underestimated the amount of work in my schedule.

Good news is, I am 70% done with NHAD Ch 5. Once that’s out of the way, I can breathe easier. Those chapters are LONG. Coupled with my basic Japanese proficiency and how much time it takes for me to translate a page, well I guess there’s your answer why releases are snail paced. I WILL NOT be dropping the novels, though.

If you guys want faster updates, the best way to do that is by bugging me. Basically, send me a comment on the most recent chapter of the novel you’re following. One, this reminds me that I need to take a break from studying and work, so that I can pump out some pages. Two, it gives me encouragement to keep going.

Anyway, thank you everyone for following my blog and reading my silly translations. Oh, and for being patient.

See you in a day!